The two types of postage accounts for Printable Postage that require slightly different procedures for requesting a refund are:
Note that these are physical-proof refunds. Be sure to review the requirements:
The following Steps describe how to request a refund using a free DYMO Stamps service plan account.
Select the transactions that need to be refunded and submit the refund request online.
You can request up to 100 refund transactions at a time.
Mail the form, with the original physical mailpiece label for each transaction, to:
Endicia Refunds
278 Castro St
Mountain View, CA 94041-1204
The following Steps describe how to request a refund using a paid-for Endicia service plan account (such as
Select the transactions that need to be refunded and submit the refund request online.
You can request up to 100 refund transactions at a time.
Mail the form, with the original physical mailpiece label for each transaction, to:
Endicia Refunds
278 Castro St
Mountain View, CA 94041-1204
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