You are here: Your Online Account Tools > SCAN Forms > Overview of the SCAN Form Process

Overview of the SCAN Form Process

The Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) form consolidates an entire day’s shipments into a single form with a barcode. For more information, see About SCAN Forms. The SCAN form is also known as the PS5630 form.

The following Steps summarize the Shipment Confirmation Acceptance Notice (SCAN) form process.


  1. After you have completed creating shipping labels and have processed any refund requests for the day (using the Endicia system and DAZzle software), create the SCAN Form.
  2. When a USPS representative physically accepts your packages—such as when the USPS picks up your packages at your business or you take the packages to your Post Office—the USPS representative scans the large barcode at the bottom of the SCAN form.

    The SCAN form also contains the package count so that the USPS representatives can cross-check the number of packages actually presented against the form.

  3. When the USPS representative places their scanning gun into the data cradle:
  4. You do not need to keep the SCAN form:



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